Make a Difference in Someone's Life with a Donation to Our Non-Profit Organization |
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7 Nights a week from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. We welcome calls during the show (213) 816-1650 Visit our Profile Page to hear the archived Podcasts of our Blog Talk Radio Program Once you are on the Profile Page, click on one of the following logos to access our archived episodes. |
Promote your business!!!! Innersight is currently in need of a benefactor to support costs for our website. Help us to serve you and reap the benefits of cross promotion! If you assist with a minimum of $300, we will advertise your business for you on our website, our FB page, our nightly radio show & our television program! We will even give you a copy of the video so that you may use it for your own advertising. |
Innersight is a nonprofit organization devoted to the advocacy for the disabled. If you would like to find out more about Innersight and our mission, or would like to donate to our organization, please contact us today by email. Join us in our cause to offer help for the disabled and make a difference in your local community. You may also tune into our radio show 7 nights a week from 9:00pm – 10:00pm or watch our TV show on Monday nights.
Please fill out the following form to request information about our organization or to provide feedback about our site. When you are finished, click the 'Submit' button to send us your message. You will see a confirmation below.
Frank Perino, who is a blind service dog trainer, adopts a condemned Akita and trains her to be a guide dog. | Share this: